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HI-TECH ELECTRO TELECOM is pioneer for Telecommunication equipment engineering services on many types of telecom devices. 

Our services include All Telecommunication equipment for different Brands :



Integrated Antenna
Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Distribution Switch Unit (DXU)
Internal Distribution Module (IDM)
Double Transceiver Unit (DTRU)
Configuration Switch Unit (CXU)
Combining and Distribution Unit (CDU)
AC or DC Connection Unit (ACCU/DCCU)
Fan Control Unit (FCU)
DC filter
DXB Distribution Switch Board,
DXU Distribution Switch Unit,
IXU Interface and Switching Unit
DUG cards for GSM (GERAN) aka "Digital Unit GSM"
DUW cards for UMTS (UTRAN)
DUL cards for LTE (EUTRAN)
DUS cards for combined GSM, UMTS and LTE service
ECU Energy Control Unit,
RUG Radio Unit GSM,
RUS Radio Unit all Standards,
RRUS Remote Radio Unit all Standards,
TCB Transceiver Control Board
BDM Battery Distribution Module
BFU Battery Fuse Unit
CDU Combining and Distribution Unit,
CXU Configuration Switch Unit,
FCU Fan Control Unit,
PDU Power Distribution Unit,
PSU Power Supply Unit,
RXU Receiver Unit,
SAU Support Alarm Unit,
SCU Support Control Unit,
TMA_CM, TXU Transmitter Unit


If Your Telecommunication Module Damaged or Malfunctioning HI-TECH ELECTRO Engineering Team Can Repair It  and get them back to you fast!

Save Time & Money with Expert Repair services

If you're considering whether to repair your Telecommunication Device then choose HI-TECH ELECTRO and let us give you a free evaluation and repair quote.

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